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This section applies only to Windows 7 and later operating systems.

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A user-mode display driver that runs on Windows Vista and later versions and Windows Server 2008 and later versions must fail adapter creation (that is, fail a call to the driver's OpenAdapter10 function) for DDI versions that the driver does not explicitly support.

Windows 7 provides a way for Direct3D applications to discover the DDI versions and hardware capabilities that the driver explicitly supports. This improves version verification. Windows 7 introduces new adapter-specific functions to improve versioning and to provide the opportunity to optimize API and driver initialization. You must implement and export the OpenAdapter10_2 function in your Direct3D version 10.1 driver so the Direct3D runtime can call the driver's new adapter-specific functions. If you instead implement OpenAdapter10 in your Direct3D version 10.1 driver, the driver can only indicate whether it supports a DDI version by passing or failing the call to OpenAdapter10.

OpenAdapter10_2 returns a table of the driver's adapter-specific functions in the pAdapterFuncs_2 member of the D3D10DDIARG_OPENADAPTER structure. pAdapterFuncs_2 points to a D3D10_2DDI_ADAPTERFUNCS structure. The Direct3D runtime calls the driver's adapter-specific GetSupportedVersions function to query for the DDI versions and hardware capabilities that the driver supports. GetSupportedVersions returns the DDI versions and hardware capabilities in an array of 64-bit values. The following code example shows a GetSupportedVersions implementation:

Discovery Bay Driver Download For Windows

A Direct3D version 10.1 driver is not required to verify the values that are passed to the Interface and Version members of D3D10DDIARG_OPENADAPTER in a call to its OpenAdapter10_2 function even though these values contain DDI version information with which to initialize the driver. The driver can return DDI version and hardware capabilities through a call to its GetSupportedVersions function.

The Direct3D runtime can pass values to the Interface and Version members of D3D10DDIARG_CREATEDEVICE in a call to the driver's CreateDevice(D3D10) function that are different than the values that the runtime passed to OpenAdapter10_2; the runtime passes values to the Interface and Version members of D3D10DDIARG_CREATEDEVICE that are based on the DDI version and hardware capabilities information that the driver's GetSupportedVersions returned to the runtime. The driver is not required to validate the values that are passed to the Interface and Version members of D3D10DDIARG_CREATEDEVICE because the driver already indicated support of these values through its GetSupportedVersions function.

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If you are porting your driver from Direct3D version 10.0 to Direct3D version 10.1, you should convert the driver to only monitor the Interface and Version members that are passed to CreateDevice(D3D10) instead of OpenAdapter10_2. You should analyze both CalcPrivateDeviceSize and CreateDevice(D3D10) function implementations in your ported driver to ensure that there are no assumptions about the values in the Interface and Version members for CreateDevice(D3D10) matching the values in the Interface and Version members for OpenAdapter10_2.

Discovery Bay Driver Download For Windows

NoteOpenAdapter10_2 has the same function signature as OpenAdapter10 (that is, PFND3D10DDI_OPENADAPTER as defined in the D3d10umddi.h header). You can implement both functions in the same user-mode display driver DLL.